注意 当サイトは、Typst v0.11.1 公式ドキュメントを、日本語コミュニティが非公式に翻訳したものです。誤訳・未訳・古い情報が含まれている可能性があるため、公式ドキュメント との併用を推奨します。このサイトの内容に誤りを発見された方は、GitHubリポジトリまでご報告を頂けましたら幸いです。我々のコミュニティにご興味のある方は、ぜひ非公式Discordサーバー「くみはんクラブ」にご参加ください。
Warning: This site provides an unofficial translation of the Typst v0.11.1 documentation by the Japanese Community. Please note that there may be some inaccuracies, untranslated sections or outdated information. We highly recommend referring to the latest official documentation as well. If you find any errors in the content, please let us know through our GitHub repository. If you are interested in our community, feel free to join our unofficial Discord server, “Kumihan Club.”
Typst ドキュメント日本語版


Hey and welcome to the Community page! We're so glad you're here. Typst is developed by an early-stage startup and is still in its infancy, but it would be pointless without people like you who are interested in it.

We would love to not only hear from you but to also provide spaces where you can discuss any topic around Typst, typesetting, writing, the sciences, and typography with other likeminded people.

For the time being, we would like to invite you to our Discord server. The server is open for everyone. Of course, you are also very welcome to connect with us on social media (Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and GitHub).

What to share?

For our community, we want to foster versatility and inclusivity. You are welcome to post about any topic that you think would interest other community members, but if you need a little inspiration, here are a few ideas:

Beta test

We are starting a public beta test of our product on March 21st, 2023. The Typst compiler is still under active development and breaking changes can occur at any point. The compiler is developed in the open on GitHub.

We will update the members of our Discord server and our social media followers when new features become available. We'll also update you on the development progress of large features.

How to support Typst

If you want to support Typst, there are multiple ways to do that! You can contribute to the code or translate the strings in Typst to your native language if it's not supported yet. You can also help us by sponsoring us! Multiple recurring sponsorship tiers are available and all of them come with a set of goodies. No matter how you contribute, thank you for your support!

Community Rules

We want to make our community a safe and inclusive space for everyone. Therefore, we will not tolerate any sexual harassment, sexism, political attacks, derogatory language or personal insults, racism, doxing, and other inappropriate behaviour. We pledge to remove members that are in violation of these rules. Contact us if you think another community member acted inappropriately towards you. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.

In addition, our privacy policy applies on all community spaces operated by us, such as the Discord server. Please also note that the terms of service and privacy policies of the respective services apply.

See you soon!

Thanks again for learning more about Typst. We would be delighted to meet you on our Discord server!