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Typst ドキュメント日本語版

outline Element
Element functions can be customized with set and show rules.

A table of contents, figures, or other elements.

This function generates a list of all occurrences of an element in the document, up to a given depth. The element's numbering and page number will be displayed in the outline alongside its title or caption. By default this generates a table of contents.



= Introduction

= Prior work

Alternative outlines

By setting the target parameter, the outline can be used to generate a list of other kinds of elements than headings. In the example below, we list all figures containing images by setting target to figure.where(kind: image). We could have also set it to just figure, but then the list would also include figures containing tables or other material. For more details on the where selector, see here.

  title: [List of Figures],
  target: figure.where(kind: image),

  caption: [A nice figure!],

Styling the outline

The outline element has several options for customization, such as its title and indent parameters. If desired, however, it is possible to have more control over the outline's look and style through the outline.entry element.

Parameters are the inputs to a function. They are specified in parentheses after the function name.

none auto content
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The title of the outline.

The outline's heading will not be numbered by default, but you can force it to be with a show-set rule: show outline: set heading(numbering: "1.")


label selector location function
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The type of element to include in the outline.

To list figures containing a specific kind of element, like a table, you can write figure.where(kind: table).

Default:heading.where(outlined: true)

View example
  title: [List of Tables],
  target: figure.where(kind: table),

    columns: 4,
    [t], [1], [2], [3],
    [y], [0.3], [0.7], [0.5],
  caption: [Experiment results],

none int
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The maximum level up to which elements are included in the outline. When this argument is none, all elements are included.


View example
#set heading(numbering: "1.")
#outline(depth: 2)

= Yes
Top-level section.

== Still

=== Nope
Not included.

none auto bool relative function
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

How to indent the outline's entries.

Migration hints: Specifying true (equivalent to auto) or false (equivalent to none) for this option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.


View example
#set heading(numbering: "1.a.")

  title: [Contents (Automatic)],
  indent: auto,

  title: [Contents (Length)],
  indent: 2em,

  title: [Contents (Function)],
  indent: n => [] * n,

= About ACME Corp.
== History
=== Origins

== Products

none content
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

Content to fill the space between the title and the page number. Can be set to none to disable filling.

Default:repeat(body: [.])

View example
#outline(fill: line(length: 100%))

= A New Beginning

Functions and types and can have associated definitions. These are accessed by specifying the function or type, followed by a period, and then the definition's name.


Represents each entry line in an outline, including the reference to the outlined element, its page number, and the filler content between both.

This element is intended for use with show rules to control the appearance of outlines. To customize an entry's line, you can build it from scratch by accessing the level, element, body, fill and page fields on the entry.

outline.entry() -> content
View example
#set heading(numbering: "1.")

#show outline.entry.where(
  level: 1
): it => {
  v(12pt, weak: true)

#outline(indent: auto)

= Introduction
= Background
== History
== State of the Art
= Analysis
== Setup

Positional parameters are specified in order, without names.

The nesting level of this outline entry. Starts at 1 for top-level entries.

Positional parameters are specified in order, without names.

The element this entry refers to. Its location will be available through the location method on content and can be linked to.

Positional parameters are specified in order, without names.

The content which is displayed in place of the referred element at its entry in the outline. For a heading, this would be its number followed by the heading's title, for example.

none content
Positional parameters are specified in order, without names.

The content used to fill the space between the element's outline and its page number, as defined by the outline element this entry is located in. When none, empty space is inserted in that gap instead.

Note that, when using show rules to override outline entries, it is recommended to wrap the filling content in a box with fractional width. For example, box(width: 1fr, repeat[-]) would show precisely as many - characters as necessary to fill a particular gap.

Positional parameters are specified in order, without names.

The page number of the element this entry links to, formatted with the numbering set for the referenced page.