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Warning: This site provides an unofficial translation of the Typst v0.11.1 documentation by the Japanese Community. Please note that there may be some inaccuracies, untranslated sections or outdated information. We highly recommend referring to the latest official documentation as well. If you find any errors in the content, please let us know through our GitHub repository. If you are interested in our community, feel free to join our unofficial Discord server, “Kumihan Club.”
Typst ドキュメント日本語版


A label for an element.

Inserting a label into content attaches it to the closest preceding element that is not a space. The preceding element must be in the same scope as the label, which means that Hello #[<label>], for instance, wouldn't work.

A labelled element can be referenced, queried for, and styled through its label.

Once constructed, you can get the name of a label using str.


#show <a>: set text(blue)
#show label("b"): set text(red)

= Heading <a>
*Strong* #label("b")


This function also has dedicated syntax: You can create a label by enclosing its name in angle brackets. This works both in markup and code. A label's name can contain letters, numbers, _, -, :, and ..

Currently, labels can only be attached to elements in markup mode, not in code mode. This might change in the future.

If a type has a constructor, you can call it like a function to create a new value of the type.

Creates a label from a string.

label() -> label

Positional parameters are specified in order, without names.

The name of the label.