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Warning: This site provides an unofficial translation of the Typst v0.11.1 documentation by the Japanese Community. Please note that there may be some inaccuracies, untranslated sections or outdated information. We highly recommend referring to the latest official documentation as well. If you find any errors in the content, please let us know through our GitHub repository. If you are interested in our community, feel free to join our unofficial Discord server, “Kumihan Club.”
Typst ドキュメント日本語版


Provides the current location in the document.

You can think of here as a low-level building block that directly extracts the current location from the active context. Some other functions use it internally: For instance, counter.get() is equivalent to counter.at(here()).

Within show rules on locatable elements, here() will match the location of the shown element.

If you want to display the current page number, refer to the documentation of the counter type. While here can be used to determine the physical page number, typically you want the logical page number that may, for instance, have been reset after a preface.


Determining the current position in the document in combination with the position method:

#context [
  I am located at

Running a query for elements before the current position:

= Introduction
= Background

There are
#context query(
headings before me.

= Conclusion

Refer to the selector type for more details on before/after selectors.

Parameters are the inputs to a function. They are specified in parentheses after the function name.

) -> location