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Typst ドキュメント日本語版

bibliography Element
Element functions can be customized with set and show rules.

A bibliography / reference listing.

You can create a new bibliography by calling this function with a path to a bibliography file in either one of two formats:

As soon as you add a bibliography somewhere in your document, you can start citing things with reference syntax (@key) or explicit calls to the citation function (#cite(<key>)). The bibliography will only show entries for works that were referenced in the document.


Typst offers a wide selection of built-in citation and bibliography styles. Beyond those, you can add and use custom CSL (Citation Style Language) files. Wondering which style to use? Here are some good defaults based on what discipline you're working in:

FieldsTypical Styles
Engineering, IT"ieee"
Psychology, Life Sciences"apa"
Social sciences"chicago-author-date"
Humanities"mla", "chicago-notes", "harvard-cite-them-right"


This was already noted by
pirates long ago. @arrgh

Multiple sources say ...
@arrgh @netwok.


Parameters are the inputs to a function. They are specified in parentheses after the function name.

str array
Positional parameters are specified in order, without names.

Path(s) to Hayagriva .yml and/or BibLaTeX .bib files.

none auto content
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The title of the bibliography.

The bibliography's heading will not be numbered by default, but you can force it to be with a show-set rule: show bibliography: set heading(numbering: "1.")


Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

Whether to include all works from the given bibliography files, even those that weren't cited in the document.

To selectively add individual cited works without showing them, you can also use the cite function with form set to none.


Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The bibliography style.

Should be either one of the built-in styles (see below) or a path to a CSL file. Some of the styles listed below appear twice, once with their full name and once with a short alias.
