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Typst ドキュメント日本語版

heading Element
Element functions can be customized with set and show rules.

A section heading.

With headings, you can structure your document into sections. Each heading has a level, which starts at one and is unbounded upwards. This level indicates the logical role of the following content (section, subsection, etc.) A top-level heading indicates a top-level section of the document (not the document's title).

Typst can automatically number your headings for you. To enable numbering, specify how you want your headings to be numbered with a numbering pattern or function.

Independently of the numbering, Typst can also automatically generate an outline of all headings for you. To exclude one or more headings from this outline, you can set the outlined parameter to false.


#set heading(numbering: "1.a)")

= Introduction
In recent years, ...

== Preliminaries
To start, ...


Headings have dedicated syntax: They can be created by starting a line with one or multiple equals signs, followed by a space. The number of equals signs determines the heading's logical nesting depth. The offset field can be set to configure the starting depth.

Parameters are the inputs to a function. They are specified in parentheses after the function name.

auto int
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The absolute nesting depth of the heading, starting from one. If set to auto, it is computed from offset + depth.

This is primarily useful for usage in show rules (either with where selectors or by accessing the level directly on a shown heading).


View example
#show heading.where(level: 2): set text(red)

= Level 1
== Level 2

#set heading(offset: 1)
= Also level 2
== Level 3

Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The relative nesting depth of the heading, starting from one. This is combined with offset to compute the actual level.

This is set by the heading syntax, such that == Heading creates a heading with logical depth of 2, but actual level offset + 2. If you construct a heading manually, you should typically prefer this over setting the absolute level.


Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The starting offset of each heading's level, used to turn its relative depth into its absolute level.


View example
= Level 1

#set heading(offset: 1, numbering: "1.1")
= Level 2

#heading(offset: 2, depth: 2)[
  I'm level 4

none str function
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

How to number the heading. Accepts a numbering pattern or function.


View example
#set heading(numbering: "1.a.")

= A section
== A subsection
=== A sub-subsection

none auto content function
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

A supplement for the heading.

For references to headings, this is added before the referenced number.

If a function is specified, it is passed the referenced heading and should return content.


View example
#set heading(numbering: "1.", supplement: [Chapter])

= Introduction <intro>
In @intro, we see how to turn
Sections into Chapters. And
in @intro[Part], it is done

Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

Whether the heading should appear in the outline.

Note that this property, if set to true, ensures the heading is also shown as a bookmark in the exported PDF's outline (when exporting to PDF). To change that behavior, use the bookmarked property.


View example

This is a normal heading.

#heading(outlined: false)[Hidden]
This heading does not appear
in the outline.

auto bool
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

Whether the heading should appear as a bookmark in the exported PDF's outline. Doesn't affect other export formats, such as PNG.

The default value of auto indicates that the heading will only appear in the exported PDF's outline if its outlined property is set to true, that is, if it would also be listed in Typst's outline. Setting this property to either true (bookmark) or false (don't bookmark) bypasses that behavior.


View example
#heading[Normal heading]
This heading will be shown in
the PDF's bookmark outline.

#heading(bookmarked: false)[Not bookmarked]
This heading won't be
bookmarked in the resulting

Positional parameters are specified in order, without names.

The heading's title.