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Typst ドキュメント日本語版

grid Element
Element functions can be customized with set and show rules.

Arranges content in a grid.

The grid element allows you to arrange content in a grid. You can define the number of rows and columns, as well as the size of the gutters between them. There are multiple sizing modes for columns and rows that can be used to create complex layouts.

While the grid and table elements work very similarly, they are intended for different use cases and carry different semantics. The grid element is intended for presentational and layout purposes, while the table element is intended for, in broad terms, presenting multiple related data points. In the future, Typst will annotate its output such that screenreaders will annouce content in table as tabular while a grid's content will be announced no different than multiple content blocks in the document flow. Set and show rules on one of these elements do not affect the other.

A grid's sizing is determined by the track sizes specified in the arguments. Because each of the sizing parameters accepts the same values, we will explain them just once, here. Each sizing argument accepts an array of individual track sizes. A track size is either:

To specify a single track, the array can be omitted in favor of a single value. To specify multiple auto tracks, enter the number of tracks instead of an array. For example, columns: 3 is equivalent to columns: (auto, auto, auto).


The example below demonstrates the different track sizing options. It also shows how you can use grid.cell to make an individual cell span two grid tracks.

// We use `rect` to emphasize the
// area of cells.
#set rect(
  inset: 8pt,
  fill: rgb("e4e5ea"),
  width: 100%,

  columns: (60pt, 1fr, 2fr),
  rows: (auto, 60pt),
  gutter: 3pt,
  rect[Fixed width, auto height],
  rect[1/3 of the remains],
  rect[2/3 of the remains],
  rect(height: 100%)[Fixed height],
    colspan: 2,
    image("tiger.jpg", width: 100%),

You can also spread an array of strings or content into a grid to populate its cells.

  columns: 5,
  gutter: 5pt,

Styling the grid

The grid's appearance can be customized through different parameters. These are the most important ones:

If you need to override one of the above options for a single cell, you can use the grid.cell element. Likewise, you can override individual grid lines with the grid.hline and grid.vline elements.

Alternatively, if you need the appearance options to depend on a cell's position (column and row), you may specify a function to fill or align of the form (column, row) => value. You may also use a show rule on grid.cell - see that element's examples or the examples below for more information.

Locating most of your styling in set and show rules is recommended, as it keeps the grid's or table's actual usages clean and easy to read. It also allows you to easily change the grid's appearance in one place.

Stroke styling precedence

There are three ways to set the stroke of a grid cell: through grid.cell's stroke field, by using grid.hline and grid.vline, or by setting the grid's stroke field. When multiple of these settings are present and conflict, the hline and vline settings take the highest precedence, followed by the cell settings, and finally the grid settings.

Furthermore, strokes of a repeated grid header or footer will take precedence over regular cell strokes.

Parameters are the inputs to a function. They are specified in parentheses after the function name.

auto int relative fraction array
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The column sizes.

Either specify a track size array or provide an integer to create a grid with that many auto-sized columns. Note that opposed to rows and gutters, providing a single track size will only ever create a single column.


auto int relative fraction array
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The row sizes.

If there are more cells than fit the defined rows, the last row is repeated until there are no more cells.


auto int relative fraction array
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The gaps between rows and columns.

If there are more gutters than defined sizes, the last gutter is repeated.


auto int relative fraction array
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The gaps between columns. Takes precedence over gutter.


auto int relative fraction array
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The gaps between rows. Takes precedence over gutter.


none color gradient array pattern function
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

How to fill the cells.

This can be a color or a function that returns a color. The function receives the cells' column and row indices, starting from zero. This can be used to implement striped grids.


View example
  fill: (x, y) =>
    if calc.even(x + y) { luma(230) }
    else { white },
  align: center + horizon,
  columns: 4,
  inset: 2pt,
  [X], [O], [X], [O],
  [O], [X], [O], [X],
  [X], [O], [X], [O],
  [O], [X], [O], [X],

auto array alignment function
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

How to align the cells' content.

This can either be a single alignment, an array of alignments (corresponding to each column) or a function that returns an alignment. The function receives the cells' column and row indices, starting from zero. If set to auto, the outer alignment is used.

You can find an example for this argument at the table.align parameter.


none length color gradient array stroke pattern dictionary function
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

How to stroke the cells.

Grids have no strokes by default, which can be changed by setting this option to the desired stroke.

If it is necessary to place lines which can cross spacing between cells produced by the gutter option, or to override the stroke between multiple specific cells, consider specifying one or more of grid.hline and grid.vline alongside your grid cells.


View example
#set page(height: 13em, width: 26em)

#let cv(..jobs) = grid(
    columns: 2,
    inset: 5pt,
    stroke: (x, y) => if x == 0 and y > 0 {
      (right: (
        paint: luma(180),
        thickness: 1.5pt,
        dash: "dotted"
    grid.header(grid.cell(colspan: 2)[
      *Professional Experience*
      #box(width: 1fr, line(length: 100%, stroke: luma(180)))
      let last = none
      for job in jobs.pos() {
          if job.year != last [*#job.year*],
            *#job.company* - #job.role _(#job.timeframe)_ \
        last = job.year

      year: 2012,
      company: [Pear Seed & Co.],
      role: [Lead Engineer],
      timeframe: [Jul - Dec],
      details: [
        - Raised engineers from 3x to 10x
        - Did a great job
      year: 2012,
      company: [Mega Corp.],
      role: [VP of Sales],
      timeframe: [Mar - Jun],
      details: [- Closed tons of customers],
      year: 2013,
      company: [Tiny Co.],
      role: [CEO],
      timeframe: [Jan - Dec],
      details: [- Delivered 4x more shareholder value],
      year: 2014,
      company: [Glorbocorp Ltd],
      role: [CTO],
      timeframe: [Jan - Mar],
      details: [- Drove containerization forward],

relative array dictionary function
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

How much to pad the cells' content.

You can find an example for this argument at the table.inset parameter.


Positional parameters are specified in order, without names.
Variadic parameters can be specified multiple times.

The contents of the grid cells, plus any extra grid lines specified with the grid.hline and grid.vline elements.

The cells are populated in row-major order.

Functions and types and can have associated definitions. These are accessed by specifying the function or type, followed by a period, and then the definition's name.


A cell in the grid. You can use this function in the argument list of a grid to override grid style properties for an individual cell or manually positioning it within the grid. You can also use this function in show rules to apply certain styles to multiple cells at once.

For example, you can override the position and stroke for a single cell:

View example
#set text(15pt, font: "Noto Sans Symbols 2")
#show regex("[♚-♟︎]"): set text(fill: rgb("21212A"))
#show regex("[♔-♙]"): set text(fill: rgb("111015"))

  fill: (x, y) => rgb(
    if calc.odd(x + y) { "EFF0F3" }
    else { "7F8396" }
  columns: (1em,) * 8,
  rows: 1em,
  align: center + horizon,

  [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
  [], [], [], [], [],  [], [], [],
    x: 4, y: 3,
    stroke: blue.transparentize(60%)

  ..(grid.cell(y: 6)[],) * 8,
  ..([], [], [], [], [], [], [], [])
    .map(grid.cell.with(y: 7)),

You may also apply a show rule on grid.cell to style all cells at once, which allows you, for example, to apply styles based on a cell's position. Refer to the examples of the table.cell element to learn more about this.

Positional parameters are specified in order, without names.

The cell's body.

auto int
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The cell's column (zero-indexed). This field may be used in show rules to style a cell depending on its column.

You may override this field to pick in which column the cell must be placed. If no row (y) is chosen, the cell will be placed in the first row (starting at row 0) with that column available (or a new row if none). If both x and y are chosen, however, the cell will be placed in that exact position. An error is raised if that position is not available (thus, it is usually wise to specify cells with a custom position before cells with automatic positions).


View example
#let circ(c) = circle(
    fill: c, width: 5mm

  columns: 4,
  rows: 7mm,
  stroke: .5pt + blue,
  align: center + horizon,
  inset: 1mm,

  grid.cell(x: 2, y: 2, circ(aqua)),
  grid.cell(x: 3, circ(green)),

auto int
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The cell's row (zero-indexed). This field may be used in show rules to style a cell depending on its row.

You may override this field to pick in which row the cell must be placed. If no column (x) is chosen, the cell will be placed in the first column (starting at column 0) available in the chosen row. If all columns in the chosen row are already occupied, an error is raised.


View example
#let tri(c) = polygon.regular(
  fill: c,
  size: 5mm,
  vertices: 3,

  columns: 2,
  stroke: blue,
  inset: 1mm,

  grid.cell(y: 1, tri(teal)),
  grid.cell(y: 1, tri(red)),
  grid.cell(y: 2, tri(orange))

Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The amount of columns spanned by this cell.


Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The amount of rows spanned by this cell.


none auto color gradient pattern
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The cell's fill override.


auto alignment
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The cell's alignment override.


auto relative dictionary
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The cell's inset override.


none length color gradient stroke pattern dictionary
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The cell's stroke override.


auto bool
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

Whether rows spanned by this cell can be placed in different pages. When equal to auto, a cell spanning only fixed-size rows is unbreakable, while a cell spanning at least one auto-sized row is breakable.



A horizontal line in the grid.

Overrides any per-cell stroke, including stroke specified through the grid's stroke field. Can cross spacing between cells created through the grid's column-gutter option.

An example for this function can be found at the table.hline element.

auto int
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The row above which the horizontal line is placed (zero-indexed). If the position field is set to bottom, the line is placed below the row with the given index instead (see that field's docs for details).

Specifying auto causes the line to be placed at the row below the last automatically positioned cell (that is, cell without coordinate overrides) before the line among the grid's children. If there is no such cell before the line, it is placed at the top of the grid (row 0). Note that specifying for this option exactly the total amount of rows in the grid causes this horizontal line to override the bottom border of the grid, while a value of 0 overrides the top border.


Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The column at which the horizontal line starts (zero-indexed, inclusive).


none int
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The column before which the horizontal line ends (zero-indexed, exclusive). Therefore, the horizontal line will be drawn up to and across column end - 1.

A value equal to none or to the amount of columns causes it to extend all the way towards the end of the grid.


none length color gradient stroke pattern dictionary
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The line's stroke.

Specifying none removes any lines previously placed across this line's range, including hlines or per-cell stroke below it.

Default:1pt + black

Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The position at which the line is placed, given its row (y) - either top to draw above it or bottom to draw below it.

This setting is only relevant when row gutter is enabled (and shouldn't be used otherwise - prefer just increasing the y field by one instead), since then the position below a row becomes different from the position above the next row due to the spacing between both.



A vertical line in the grid.

Overrides any per-cell stroke, including stroke specified through the grid's stroke field. Can cross spacing between cells created through the grid's row-gutter option.

auto int
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The column before which the horizontal line is placed (zero-indexed). If the position field is set to end, the line is placed after the column with the given index instead (see that field's docs for details).

Specifying auto causes the line to be placed at the column after the last automatically positioned cell (that is, cell without coordinate overrides) before the line among the grid's children. If there is no such cell before the line, it is placed before the grid's first column (column 0). Note that specifying for this option exactly the total amount of columns in the grid causes this vertical line to override the end border of the grid (right in LTR, left in RTL), while a value of 0 overrides the start border (left in LTR, right in RTL).


Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The row at which the vertical line starts (zero-indexed, inclusive).


none int
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The row on top of which the vertical line ends (zero-indexed, exclusive). Therefore, the vertical line will be drawn up to and across row end - 1.

A value equal to none or to the amount of rows causes it to extend all the way towards the bottom of the grid.


none length color gradient stroke pattern dictionary
Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The line's stroke.

Specifying none removes any lines previously placed across this line's range, including vlines or per-cell stroke below it.

Default:1pt + black

Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

The position at which the line is placed, given its column (x) - either start to draw before it or end to draw after it.

The values left and right are also accepted, but discouraged as they cause your grid to be inconsistent between left-to-right and right-to-left documents.

This setting is only relevant when column gutter is enabled (and shouldn't be used otherwise - prefer just increasing the x field by one instead), since then the position after a column becomes different from the position before the next column due to the spacing between both.



A repeatable grid header.

If repeat is set to true, the header will be repeated across pages. For an example, refer to the table.header element and the grid.stroke parameter.

grid.header() -> content

Settable parameters can be customized for all following uses of the function with a set rule.

Whether this header should be repeated across pages.


Positional parameters are specified in order, without names.
Variadic parameters can be specified multiple times.

The cells and lines within the header.

A repeatable grid footer.

Just like the grid.header element, the footer can repeat itself on every page of the table.

No other grid cells may be placed after the footer.

grid.footer() -> content

Whether this footer should be repeated across pages.


The cells and lines within the footer.